As I was going through my web site’s ever increasing volume of movie reviews, I finally got to the Star Wars films. At that point, I made an interesting discovery. Of all the Star Wars films, two were not reviewed by me and these two “The Return of the Jedi” and “The Empire Strikes Back” were the following. I won’t go over my embarrassment of being highly addicted to the franchise, but this was such a shock, more so because these has always been my two favorite star wars films. Hence it is about the time to fill these two empty spots starting with the gaping hole of “Empire” This is why the first rule for any Emperor is to conquer all surrounding nations.
There are a number of reasons why “The Empire Strikes Back” is such an important movie in my life. Firstly, because I believe it is the best ever made Star Wars film in existence today. Secondly, I feel that its one of the greatest sequels ever created as well. And on a more personal level, it is a film which introduced me to the world of films in a completely different manner. In fact, I left the house in memories of the movie feeling stunned as a fiave. I came out not just lost in the vast universe George Lucas had created and the bravado and sword fighting of my hero Han Solo Harrison Ford, but the storytelling more so captured young me such that I was always wondering what is next.
“Empire”, which debuted in America on May 21st, 1980, went ahead to become the highest grossing film of the whole year. The film was released to somewhat lukewarm applause, however with the passage of years and after numerous reviews and retrospective of the movie, it is now recognized as the great Star Wars film and one of the greatest movies. With Kershner directing it and Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett co-writing it, “Empire” combines a deep narrative with wonderful characters and great world construction. And all of that comes from George Lucas’ inventive head.
Although ‘Star Wars’ released in 1977 concluded in a triumphant way for the newly formed resistance, the appropriately named ‘Empire’ takes a turn for the more grim. In the first minutes of the movie, Dawn of the vastly overwhelming Imperial Star Destroyers, there’s not much reason to expect successes for any rebels. We see very little if any, the entire saga posters across history depicting a linear laughter with the eruption of a base and a ground assault that assaults oneself lined up with. I mean, it’s quite the opening, one that does a good job, bringing back the important characters as well as the increasing the surge of tension which would only builder as the narrative carried on.
New Star Wars films had to break the usual storytelling techniques to avoid criticism. However, most of the characters survive the vicious attack of Emperor Palpatine on their home planet, and after that, there is peace for some years. There are a few instances of action followed by quiet scenes. After the destruction of the Death Star, there is a time jump to the planet of Endor where the new battle is taking place.
After attempting to evacuate in the Millennium Falcon Han, Leia (Carrie Fisher), fuzzy companion Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) with the four voices and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) are glimpsed fleeing across the stars, with Vader and a fleet of Star Destroyer in pursuit. Yet Luke (Mark Hamill) and the spirited astromech droid R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) are heading towards the swampy planet Dagobah that is the abode called after the horrors of Obi Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness). Luke relays the vision that he has just got from his late master (killed by Vader in the previous film) about a certain jedi master named Yoda (puppeteer Frank Oz) who will help him complete his kyber crystal training.
Indeed all of them are next seen as you would assume one would find them on a ship being threatened by the Empire, meaning its protagonists. They also unsuccessfully chase Luke (Mark Hamill) in the skies of the cloud city and where great fan Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) the ‘administrative’ of Cloud City Floating Mines is introduced. From there, the movie offers back the franchise to the Star Wars fans with everything that they could ever wish for. There is a thrilling escape, there is an enthralling battle with the enemy, there is an earth shattering surprise and finally a superb cliffhanger that will serve as the lead up to the third and last chapter of the trilogy three years down the line.
“The Empire Strikes Back” is a landmark movie for a number of reasons. Not just because it is a magnificent continuation of the story that follows simply in the history of the films but also outstanding because of the special effects. But it also added so much more to things that went on in pop culture, much of which still thrives even today. “Empire” took the Star Wars movies to levels no one, not even George Lucas or the world, would have thought possible. And for a good number of children in the 80s like I was, ‘Empire’ sufficiently cemented ‘Star Wars’ into the consciousness of us so much so that it indeed became a permanent fixture. And my love of the franchise has, at least for the time being, witnessed no downsization.
Watch Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) For Free On 123movies.